7 tips to boost your immune system
We have just changed seasons, moving into a time where we are prone to getting colds and flu’s. I want to share with you some helpful diet, supplement and lifestyle hacks to support and boost your immune system now and in general.
1. Eat clean, wholefood. What we eat makes a big impact on our overall health. It is important to eat a varied diet with 7 - 9 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. This may sound like a lot but if you break it into 3 meals and add 2 - 3 cups at each meal you will reach this easy. Try to choose organic produce when you can, if that isn't possible soak them in an apple cider vinegar solution and rinse well. Make sure to have a balanced plate, including all the macros of fat, protein and carbs. You want to be avoiding sugar and heavily processed foods as this increases your inflammation levels. This is a time to cut back on alcohol as well, alcohol affects your sleep, blood sugar and mood.You want to be nourishing your temple and looking after it!
2 Drink clean filtered water. Our blood is made up of 90% water and a lot of the functions inside our body needs water to function optimally.It is recommended to drink room temperature or warm water. I always recommend starting your day with warm water and adding lemon with pink Himalayan salt to give you your electrolytes and wake up those beautiful cells.
Eat clean, wholefood.
What we eat makes a big impact on our overall health. It is important to eat a varied diet with 7 - 9 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.
3 Supplement with a good quality functional medicine brand. Unfortunately our food alone isn't enough to give our bodies all the vitamins and minerals we need. What we need can vary from each individual, I therefore recommend working with a qualified health practitioner to guide you what is best for your health.
I would regardless recommend a foundation of an activated multivitamin, this will provide you with all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. The next one is Omega 3, these essential fatty acids are important for so many functions, inflammation being one. Unless you are eating high omega 3 foods like wild salmon, anchovies or sardines 4 times a week you are probably deficient. Many like to use a probiotic in the form of fermented foods or supplements, if you suffer from leaky gut symptoms where candida or bacterial overgrowth may be present you will want to avoid it.
For supplements that boost your immune system specifically Zink, Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 are great additions. Recent studies are showing that melatonin can be helpful as well due to its ability to calm the nervous system. When we calm the nervous system we lower cortisol, this way we can naturally boost our immune system.
Other stress supporting supplements you can consider is Vitamin B, Magnesium and adaptogens like ashwagandha or rhodiola.
4 Sleep is key! This is something we should always prioritize, it is vital for your immunity, energy and wellbeing. Set yourself up with a good sleep routine, get into bed between 9 and 10 pm every night and aim for 7 - 9 hours sleep. Log off all electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bed, dim the lights and unwind.
5. I can not stress the importance of breathwork enough. Meditation or just simply focusing on your breath is the best way to bring you back to the present moment. It helps calm your body and reduce stress. When we reduce stress our bodies are happier and stronger too!
6. Fill up your cup. What does self love look like to you? Have a relaxing epsom salt bath, do some gentle stretches, read a book, get outside in nature, let the sun kiss your skin.
7. Indoor plants and fresh air. I always open up the windows first thing in the morning, get rid of the stagnant air! NASA conducted a clean air study where they tested several plants and the results showing certain indoor plants help remove harmful invisible gases and other toxins in your home. Some plants from the study were Bamboo palm, spider plant, peace lilly. The last thing I also find supportive is diffusing essential oils, they can help and support our mood and wellbeing just to name a few.
Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live - Jim Rohn.