What is an at home labs test?
You may have noticed the word ‘labs’ a few times on my website and wondering what exactly this is and how it works.
A laboratory (lab) test is a sample of your blood, urine, saliva or hair to get detailed information about your health. You will complete this with simple collection methods such as a finger prick or a sample of hair, urine or saliva.
During our appointment I will recommend what labs I think would be suitable for you based on your symptoms. These tests are so simple to do and you can do them from the convenience of your own home. All the labs kits come with detailed instructions so you know exactly what to do. Once you are done you simply return them in the mail. From this you will receive a detailed report with all the findings/results.
The ‘Big 5’ Lab Tests
These are the exact labs that gave me the answers to the underlying root causes of why I wasn't well. I ran the “Big 5” and for the first time in my life I actually got an understanding of what was going on in my body at a deeper level. I would love others to be able to have this opportunity, to take control of their health and get the answers they need in order to re balance their body.
Complete Food Sensitivity Test:
Solve your food-based health mysteries by testing your levels of sensitivity to 94 common foods. This test will show you exactly which foods you are having a mild to moderate to severe IgG reaction to. Remember, even if you eat a healthy diet you can still be reactive to certain foods. Perhaps you have sensitivities to eggs, whey, almonds, apples, chicken, lentils or gluten. This specialized at-home test looks at these common foods and more as well as candida.
There’s no question that the foods we eat have a big impact on our health and quality of life. This is a simple and straightforward way to get the results you need to begin making positive health changes in your life. Welcome to personalized natural medicine at its best!
Collection Method: Finger Prick
Complete Minerals and Metals Test:
Your minerals levels include your electrolytes which provide you with the energy you need to get through your busy day, as well as buffer the effects of stress. This is the test that will enable you to see how well your nervous system is handling stress, what stage of adrenal dysfunction you may be in, what your mineral reserves are like, and if you’re dealing with higher levels of toxic heavy metals.No test is better at assessing these levels or looking at potential heavy metal toxicity than the Complete Minerals & Metal Test.
Collection Method: Hair Sample
Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test:
If you were to run only one lab test to assess the overall state of your digestion, microbial probiotic balance, and gut health, it would be this lab.
With over 75 biomarkers, the Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test will show you exactly what your deficiencies are in terms of vitamins, energy mitochondria producers, neurotransmitter metabolites, and detoxifiers.
Collection method: Urine Sample
Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism test:
It's absolutely vital that you know exactly what your hormone levels are as you age. Plus, if you’re dealing with any type of lowered mood, metabolism or mojo this is the time to get tested. If your goal is losing weight, we want you to know that it has less to do with daily caloric intake or how much you exercise and everything to do with hormone balance, cortisol levels and metabolism.
Add hidden inflammation to the list and it’s little wonder why you haven’t been able to lose weight and keep it off! This easy, at-home lab test measures your levels of thyroid, adrenal output, and hormones. Plus, we’ll assess how well your blood sugar levels are being managed and where your vitamin D levels are at for optimal health, longevity & immunity!
Collection Method: Saliva & Finger Prick