Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis looks for the heavy metals toxicity that we are exposed to from the food we eat, air, water pollution, cookware and any medicine you take.
It will also access your mineral levels and highlight potential deficiencies.
What’s included
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test Kit (Collection method: Hair)**
Hair Collection Card
Lab form to fill out
Collection Instructions
Express return satchel
Instructions on how to complete the tests
Express return satchels for posting your samples once collected
Consult to go through test results (via Zoom or phone)
Copy of your test results emailed after consult
** This lab sample is sent to Interclinical Labs, this can take up to 2 - 3 weeks from you send it in to your results are back.
What to expect
You will fill out an intake form at checkout + receive a registration email immediately after purchase
You will receive the 1 at home test Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis with instructions
You will complete the Test Kit and send them off in the mail
Your Test Kit will be sent to a lab for testing
Allow at least 2 - 3 weeks for results
I will receive your test results and will be in touch to schedule our consult
During our consult I will got through your Test Results, and recommend suitable plan based on results
You will receive a copy of your Test Results
You will receive a personalised recommendation based on the findings
This is for you if…
The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is for those experiencing symptoms such as…
High Stress
Mood disturbances
Highs/Low in energy
Skin rashes
Poor sleep