Food Intolerance Package

Food Intolerance Package
What’s included in the Package
Food Intolerance Test Kit (Collection method: Finger prick)
Instructions on how to complete the test
Express return satchel for posting your sample once collected
Consult to go through test results (via Zoom or phone)
Copy of your test results emailed after consult
Personalised Healthy shopping food list based on your test results
What to expect next…
You will fill out an intake form at checkout + receive a registration email immediately after purchase*
You will receive the at home test Food Intolerance Test Kit with instructions
You will complete the Test Kit and send it off in the mail
Your Test Kit will be send to a lab for testing
Allow at least 2 weeks for Test Results
I will receive your test results and will be in touch to schedule our consult
During our consult I will got through your Test Results, what alternatives you can use any foods you are intolerant to and how to reintroduce sensitive foods back into your diet.
You will receive a copy of your Test Results
You will receive a personalised Healthy Shopping List
*Please contact me via if you do not receive your registration email.
What is a food intolerance?
A food intolerance is not the same as an allergy where you have an instant reaction sometimes even fatal. A food intolerance or sensitivity is an IgG (Immunoglobulin G) response which is a delayed immune response action to a certain food. It’s where individual components of our food can’t be processed and assimilated by our digestive system. This response can cause inflammation and symptoms 24 - 72 hours after you consumed the food.
Many of us often feel like we may be sensitive to something but it can be hard to pinpoint what exact food is making us feel that way. We might have had a pizza but we aren’t sure if it was the cheese, tomato or gluten that caused the upset in the first place.
Some symptoms we can experience are:
Acid Reflux
Water retention
Joint Pain
Brain fog
Low mood
Skin rashes
Itchy skin
What will the test results show:
It shows the IgG antibody reaction to 96 foods including fruit, vegetables, meat and the major food intolerances such as dairy, gluten, egg and nuts.
How do I complete it:
It’s an at home lab test that will be sent to your postal address where you will receive a package including
Bloodspot card
Express return satchel
Collection method: Finger prick